So Takahashi是日本横滨人,1998年起在纽约设立Heads Inc.独立工作室,几年后又移居挪威奥斯陆。So Takahashi是一位多面好手,对于印刷、包装、产品设计、空间设计和纯艺术都有所涉猎并发布作品。
Designer. His functional design effectively combines Japanese heritage of origami with Scandinavian techniques of wood bending. Oslo-based Takahashi (originally from Yokohama, Japan) works across spatial, print, packaging and product design disciplines, and launched his Origami chair series in 2009. The basis for Heads Inc/So Takahashi design studio has been to combine commercial work with an on going exploration of design that floats between the different dimensions; 2d, 3d, audio. Whether it is a book cover, a chair, an album or a performance, it is all part of the same exploration and creative process of designing an output – an expression.