

主题:Cold Fairyland's Finland Tour with magyar posse

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Cold Fairyland's Finland Tour with magyar posse  发贴心情 Post By:2/1/2008 2:22:17 AM


In the end of 2007,the famous indie band cold fairland released their new album seeds on the groundnow they will make a tour of  finland with magyar posse.
Finland Tour(2008.2.6--2.10)
Feb 6 Wednesday  Tavastia ,Helsinki  (Chinese New Year)
Feb 7 Thursday  Klubi, Tampere 
Feb 8 Friday  Lutakko, Jyvaskyla 
Feb 9 Saturday  Henry's Pub, Kuopio 
Feb 10 Sunday  45 Special, Oulu ,Stopping by to say Hello to Pyro guys,http://www.pyro-ry.com/,in Pyhäntä.

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Cold Fairyland's Finland Tour with magyar posse
